Lilly Singh, better known as Superwoman on YouTube, took to her Twitter and Instagram this morning to share that she identifies as bisexual, embracing this as another one of her super powers.
In her caption, she ticked off that she is Female, Coloured (Lilly was raised in Canada but both her parents are Indian) and Bisexual.
Lilly has been vocal about social issues throughout her career as a YouTuber and Influencer – from starting her own campaign to supporting underprivileged girls in parts of Africa through ‘Girl Love’ to making several videos and panel discussions about depression, anxiety and self-image.
Amidst the thousands of congratulatory tweets from fans about her coming out, some of Lilly’s tweets shaming homophobia have been pulled up, as she has been an LGBT+ supporter for as long as she’s been online.
Lilly had previously taken a break from social media to regroup and find inspiration as she felt burned out having created content non stop for nearly 6 years.
CelebMix wishes her the best for her journey here on!
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