Harry Styles Talks 'Sweet Creature' and more with Zach Sang

Harry Styles recently phoned Zach Sang for a chat, the world interview seems too stuffy for what it was. Zach treated Harry with respect, asked questions that fans really want to know, and the two acted as old pals. As far as most people are concerned, Harry is this larger than life idea rather than a real person, Zach treated him as the latter.

They spoke about his music, about ‘Sweet Creature’ specifically, about his hair, his tour. Harry is doing things differently this time around and the speed is slowed down, the venues are more intimate, and Harry is making more decisions than he’s ever been able to make before. This process for him has been more genuine than ever, and it’s turned into a more real experience for fans as well.

Harry said the first song he worked on in the studio was actually his latest single, ‘Sweet Creature’ and that as far as his album is concerned, it’s a snapshot of who he is.

‘Moreso than one story, it’s very much a piece of me that I haven’t shared or talked about before‘

As far as music goes, they focused on the process of writing his album, and of course, his latest single. He had this to say when asked if ‘Sweet Creature’ was about one person.

‘In my opinion I think most songs are written for one listener, in my personal opinion, in the way that I think, you know, people who write books, I think probably write them for one reader and yeah i think it’s a really amazing way of being able to say something to someone that, you know, maybe they’ll never notice about them, maybe there’s one thing in there that only they’ll notice about them, I think it’s, you know, like I said it’s so much easier to say something in a song than it is to say it to someone, um, and I think it’s really amazing to be able to communicate through that and be able to wrap up everything that you want to say in three and a half minutes and say it in a song.’

Harry went on to say that it was, but that it might not be what you first think. He also went on to say that he’d be disappointed if he learned that his favorite songs weren’t about what he felt like they were. He’s always said that he loves that people can take away different things from the same song.

‘A lot of my favorite songs, that mean something to me, I’d be disappointed if someone told me they were about something else. It might ruin the song for me.’

He shared that his style is mixed when it comes to writing. ‘Sometimes stuff happens and it’s pretty hard to process and a lot of stuff is easier to kind of think about much further down the line. Sometimes it’s easier to literally get home from something that happened and write about it’

I just wanted to write stuff for me.

On his tour – Harry spoke about his venues and he said that the rooms he’s playing in are amazing rooms, he wants to play these songs for ‘some fans that want to watch and listen‘.  When Zach joked about Harry saying rooms – Harry said they’d just be playing kitchens. On a more serious note, he did say that the energy that you feel in those rooms is incredible and some of his most fun shows have been in rooms similar to the ones he’s playing, so he’s very excited to see how it all goes.

Towards the end of their time together, Zach asked about movies, and Harry said he said he’s always been a big Nolan fan so he really wanted to get involved with Dunkirk. He’s not sure what his dream role would be, however, but he’s so excited about what they did with Dunkirk that it’s his main film focus.

Through the entire chat, he says that he wanted this album to be honest – he didn’t want to edit himself. Harry is happy, you can hear it in his voice and you also hear pride. Our favorite quote from the entire thing is this one.

“It’s been one of the best times of my life getting to make this and it’s made me very happy to make.”

He’s worked hard to present a vulnerable side of himself to old fans and to a new audience. He was able to live with and through his songs during the making of his first solo album, there’s nothing he deserves more.

You can listen to Harry speaking to Zach in the video below.


We’re looking forward to what Harry has in store for us in the future, and until then, we’re happy that he had an interview that went this well. Thanks again, Zach!
