There are many challenges in dealing with dysfunctional families and finding a way to bring peace and satisfaction to one another. These quotes about dysfunctional families highlight some of the biggest issues that exist.
“A dysfunctional family is any family with more than one person in it.”
“A family can be the bane of one’s existence. A family can also be most of the meaning of one’s existence. I don’t know whether my family is bane or meaning, but they have surely gone away and left a large hole in my heart.”
“Along with the trust issues, one of the hardest parts to deal with is the feeling of not being believed or supported, especially by your own grandparents and extended family.”
“Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence.”
“Dysfunctional families have sired a number of pretty good actors.”
“For the first time ever I was taking the family on the road. We stayed with my in-laws, which on life’s list of experiences ranks right below sitting in a tub full of scissors.”
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.”
“He knows I’ve seen something in him. Something I recognize, only because it exists in me too.”
“I came from an extraordinarily dysfunctional family, full of abuse and alcoholism. And eventually everyone within the family had committed suicide.”
“I come from a dysfunctional family, so my views of parents and parenting used to be highly mixed.”
“I grew up with six brothers. That’s how I learned to dance – waiting for the bathroom.”
“I was wrong last night. Kyler isn’t just trouble. He’s an apocalypse-level disaster waiting to happen. I need to find some fallout shelter to hide in. And quick.”
“If you cannot get rid of the family skeleton, you may as well make it dance.”
“If you ever start feeling like you have the goofiest, craziest, most dysfunctional family in the world, all you have to do is go to a state fair. ”
“If you grew up in a dysfunctional family, then there is really no hope for you to have a good relationship. That is another myth that we have to throw off, so that we can get into what I call Reality.”
“Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.”
“It doesn’t matter whether you have the happiest upbringing… the young Joe Scot had the most dysfunctional family there could be but it’s still a family and it’s a really good, strong family.”
“It is a family; it’s a slightly dysfunctional family, but it’s also very close and warm and loving family.”
“Like all the best families, we have our share of eccentricities, of impetuous and wayward youngsters and of family disagreements.”
“Making amends is not only saying the words but also being willing to listen to how your behavior caused another’s pain, and then the really hard part…changing behavior.”
“My sister only has one side of the story but she is sure that she knows the whole story because that is how the dysfunctional system works.”
“Obviously, if I was serious about having a relationship with some one long-term, the last people I would introduce him to would be my family.”
“People talk about dysfunctional families; I’ve never seen any other kind.”
“Perhaps nothing so accurately characterizes dysfunctional families as denial.”
“So much of great American drama has been about a certain kind of dysfunctional family, and maybe my interests are in the kind of strange dysfunction that exists even among deeply functional families.”
“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life.”
“We all come from dysfunctional families and these days I guess that’s pretty normal.”
“Weddings are never about the bride and groom, weddings are public platforms for dysfunctional families.”
“Well, while I didn’t have the more extreme experiences of some of my characters, I didn’t exactly come from the most normal of households. Or rather, it was normal, in that dysfunctional families appear to be the norm.”
“With words, I could build a world I could live in. I had a very dysfunctional family, and a very hard childhood. So I made a world out of words. And it was my salvation.”
“Yeah, sometimes it gets a little sappy for me, but I’m tired of hearing about dysfunctional families in sitcoms. That’s been done to death, and that’s probably what everybody expected from me. But that’s not what I wanted to do.”
“You see, insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops.”
“Your whole being is involved in taking care of someone else, worrying about what they think of you, how they treat you, how you can make them treat you better.”
You may sometimes feel like you are living in a dysfunctional family. There are some specific signs to tell if you are currently in a toxic situation.